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Links stash


  • https://github.com/danistefanovic/build-your-own-x – a repository with a bunch of links to materials, describing how to develop various systems from scratch, from 3D rendering to a web server
  • https://refactoring.guru/ – great site explaining various OOP design patterns – if you’ve mastered the basics of a programming language, then this is the next step
  • https://learnopengl.com/ – a super site with a complete OpenGL course, from basics to advanced techniques (C++ is used in the course)
  • https://ohshitgit.com – is a useful and funny site that collects solutions to the most common problems with Git
  • https://sci-hub.st/ - a service widely known in narrow circles that allows you to read paid scientific articles. If you are writing a scientific work or trying to be on the cutting edge in some area - a must have


Web 1.0